Hello Raspberry Pi! : Programming for Kids and Other Beginners by Ryan Heitz book MOBI, TXT, DJV


Although we're surrounded by computer devices, students entering college to become the next generation of programmers, roboticists, and tech startup founders are less prepared than ever. Consuming software applications hasn't offered the same benefits that programming, tinkering, and experimenting offered previous generations. The Raspberry Pi is a small, low-cost computer that was invented to encourage experimentation. The Pi is a snap to set up, and using the free Python programming language young readers can learn to create video games, control robots, and maybe even write programs to do math homework "Hello Raspberry Pi " is a fun and imaginative way for kids to take their first steps programming on a Raspberry Pi. The book starts by showing how to set up and navigate a Raspberry Pi, then moves quickly to Python programming, teaching basic concepts through humorous and engaging challenges and games. Readers get an introduction to computer science as they gain the confidence to explore, learn, and create on their own. The last part of the book introduces kids to the world of physical computing where they create interactive projects with lights, buttons, and sounds. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications., Summary A fun and imaginative way for kids and other beginners to take their first steps programming on a Raspberry Pi. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Technology The Raspberry Pi is a small, low-cost computer invented to encourage experimentation. The Pi is a snap to set up, and using the free Python programming language, you can learn to create video games, control robots, and maybe even write programs to do your math homework! About the Book Hello Raspberry Pi! is a fun way for kids to take their first steps programming on a Raspberry Pi. First, you discover how to set up and navigate the Pi. Next, begin Python programming by learning basic concepts with engaging challenges and games. This book gives you an introduction to computer programming as you gain the confidence to explore, learn, and create on your own. The last part of the book introduces you to the world of computer control of physical objects, where you create interactive projects with lights, buttons, and sounds. What's Inside Learn Python with fun examples Write games and control electronics Use Pygame for video game sounds and graphics Loaded with programming exercises About the Reader To use this book, you'll need a Raspberry Pi starter kit, keyboard, mouse, and monitor. No programming experience needed. About the Author Ryan Heitz is a teacher, programmer, maker, father, and big kid. He specializes in teaching kids to code in a fun and engaging way. Table of Contents PART 1 GETTING STARTED 1 Meet Raspberry Pi Exploring Python PART 2 PLAYING WITH PYTHON Silly Sentence Generator 3000: creating interactive programs Norwegian Blue parrot game: adding logic to programs Raspi's Cave Adventure PART 3 PI AND PYTHON PROJECTS Blinky Pi Light Up Guessing Game DJ Raspi APPENDIXES Raspberry Pi troubleshooting Raspberry Pi ports and legacy boards Solutions to chapter challenges Raspberry Pi projects

Hello Raspberry Pi! : Programming for Kids and Other Beginners by Ryan Heitz read online ebook EPUB, FB2, DOC

Circle round, ready to roll.Digital logic design or basic binary fundamentals are prerequisites, but no prior study of computers or assembly language is necessary., Intended for the beginning programming student taking the first course on the 8086, a 16-bit microprocessor manufactured by Intel.Second, this book proposes a novel type of morphological case that serves to mask many structural licensing effects in Zulu; the effects of this case are unfamiliar, Halpert argues that its existence is expected given the current typological picture of case.Also available is all code from the book., Persistence-the ability of data to outlive an instance of a program-is central to modern applications.Por qué? also covers topics usually left to specialized books, including the evolution of Spanish, how children and adults learn Spanish, and the status of languages that co-exist with Spanish, from Catalan to Spanish sign language to the indigenous languages of Latin America., ¿Por qué?The face2face Second edition Online Workbooks provide the course workbook content plus additional collaborative tools in a package that supports independent study and teacher-managed self-study.Why does the preterito past tense have more irregulars than the imperfecto ?This short book shows you how to carry out test-driven development with fixtures, model tests, controller tests, mocks, and test suites.