Rita Schellenberg - The National Certified School Counselor Exam (NCSCE) Study Guide read online book MOBI, FB2, DJV


The National Certified School Counselor (NCSC) credential, awarded by the NBCC, recognizes school counselors who hold a master's degree, coursework in school counseling, and who have completed a challenging and rigorous national application and examination process. The NCSCE is the examination component of the comprehensive process, and this book is the first study guide designed to prepare candidates for the exam portion of their journey to the NCSC credential. In a series of five chapters, the guide will first present an overview of each of the five content areas that are covered on the exam. Each will conclude with a practice simulation (case study), additional list of key terms, and further review exercises. The book will conclude with a full length practice examination, which follows the format, style, and presentation of the actual exam., The School Counselor's Study Guide for Credentialing Exams is the only study guide on the market based on the ASCA School Counselor Competencies, CACREP Standards, NBCC NCSCE content requirements, and the NCATE and NBPTS Standards. Designed to help users build knowledge and skills that are transferrable to any test format, it can be used to prepare for the NCSCE, Praxis II School Counseling Specialty Exam, NBPTS School Counseling national certification exam, Comprehensive School Counselor Education program exams, and state certification exams for professional school counseling. Each chapter aligns with one of the eight CACREP content areas for school counseling and covers in depth the material necessary to succeed on any of the exams. Also included in each chapter are case scenarios, guided reflection questions, and actual exam practice questions. A full-length practice exam is provided at the end with answers and explanations for correct and incorrect responses. Additional resources include a glossary of important terms and lists of ethical codes and competencies for various school counseling related organizations. Students and professionals seeking a professional school counselor credential will find this to be an invaluable tool in their exam preparation., The School CounselorOCOs Study Guide for Credentialing Exams is the only study guide on the market based on the ASCA School Counselor Competencies, CACREP Standards, NBCC NCSCE content requirements, and the NCATE and NBPTS Standards. Designed to help users build knowledge and skills that are transferrable to any test format, it can be used to prepare for the NCSCE, Praxis II School Counseling Specialty Exam, NBPTS School Counseling national certification exam, Comprehensive School Counselor Education program exams, and state certification exams for professional school counseling. Each chapter aligns with one of the eight CACREP content areas for school counseling and covers in depth the material necessary to succeed on any of the exams. Also included in each chapter are case scenarios, guided reflection questions, and actual exam practice questions. A full-length practice exam is provided at the end with answers and explanations for correct and incorrect responses. Additional resources include a glossary of important terms and lists of ethical codes and competencies for various school counseling related organizations. Students and professionals seeking a professional school counselor credential will find this to be an invaluable tool in their exam preparation."

The National Certified School Counselor Exam (NCSCE) Study Guide download book EPUB, DJV, FB2

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