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Revels Plays: Love's Metamorphosis : John Lyly (2015, Paperback) book DJV, DOC


First performed in the 1580s, Love's Metamorphosis is widely regarded as the most elegantly structured of Lyly's plays. The plot looks back to the account of Erisichthon's punishment for the desecration of Ceres' grove in Ovid's Metamorphosis, but the Ovidian story is woven into a widernetwork of interests turning upon aspects of love.A series of allusions to earlier Lylian compositions allows the play to be viewed in terms of a continuum of work, exploring the status of Cupid and the nature and extent of his power. The play is notable for the articulate resistance offered by the female characters towards the desires of theirlovers and the wishes of authority figures, while Protea, is of particular interest to feminist criticism as a striking example of a woman empowered rather than marginalised by the loss of her virgin state.Revived towards the close of the sixteenth century, the play is of importance to theatre historians in that it is the only one of Lyly's comedies known to have passed from Paul's to a different troupe. It is newly edited here from the sole early witness, the quarto of 1601.

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We see howthat divinity emerged in some areas from cults involving "animal masters" (as in the Bear Man of the Cherokee Indians), sorcerers, and shamans who embarked on spirit journeys.The seeds were planted: Gloria realized that growing up didn t have to mean settling down.Back in 1215, when King John was forced to issue Magna Carta, it was regarded as little more than a stalling tactic in the bloody conflict between monarch and barons.Here, Derek J.Every full-color page features shots of the action figures, many with movie stills on which the figure was based, and showcases accessories and the original packaging.This two-volume work, published in 1901, had its beginnings in the late 1870s, when Rhys began collecting Welsh folk tales, several of which appear, with English translations, in Volume 1.But as this new war unfolded, hostilities became persistent.This landmark publication recovers Emma Hamilton from myth and misrepresentation, and reveals her as the active and influential historical actor she truly was.The arc of this life--her ambitions, successes, and hardships-is viewed through a new lens, one that places her in a wider context of female celebrity.In this wide-ranging and thoroughly readable book, Deborah Cameron, Rupert Murdoch Professor of Language and Communication at Oxford University and author of a number of leading texts in the field of language and gender studies, draws on over 30 years of scientific research to explain what we really know and to demonstrate how this is often very different from the accounts we are familiar with from recent popular writing.His research ranged across the fields of linguistics, history, archaeology, ethnology and religion, and his many publications were instrumental in establishing the field of Celtic studies.