Read online book IBS-AOG Staff - NVI Vida Plena Imit Índice in TXT, DOC, MOBI


Extended notes at the bottom of each page, written and revised by pastors with the purpose of helping the reader understand the Word of God.Seventy-seven articles on important topics for all believersTwelve symbols, placed in the margins that indicate specific subjects:* Salvation* Baptism* Divine healing* Second coming of Jesus* Fruit of the Spirit* Faith that moves moutains* Personal evangelism* Victory over Satan and demons* Power to win over the world* Praise* Walk in obedience and justice- Forty-four maps and tables to help the reader find places and understand concepts- Twenty-eight diagrams of:* Origin of nations* Hebrew calendar* Tabernacle* Miracles of the Old Testament* Prophecies of the Old Testament* Jesus' ministry- Introduction to each book- Index- Concordance- Sixteen pages of colorful maps- Reading plan- Reference system on each page

Read book IBS-AOG Staff - NVI Vida Plena Imit Índice in TXT, DOC, DJV